@johnpbloch @markjaquith had a good way of doing that in some boilerplate thingy I saw a while ago. I need to dig it up.
@johnpbloch @markjaquith had a good way of doing that in some boilerplate thingy I saw a while ago. I need to dig it up.
@johnpbloch Maybe. I see no problem writing array($this, ‘method_name’).
@johnpbloch It’s probably because I’m not used to PHP 5.4 features. And my gut is too much abstraction.
@johnpbloch Meh I guess maybe. This stuff is weird.
@astickofgum Have a ONEderful day.
@duqe How many inaccurate DC metro stops did you see?
@davatron5000 Here ya go… now tell me… is css-tricks.net HTML 5.1 compatible?!?!
@naudebynature That’s cool.
@naudebynature what?
@freshyill You don’t have a Slack account for your entire organization?
@williamsba I’ve found audiobooks are ok. But I generally can’t pay attention to fiction.
@williamsba You read web sites all the time right?
@jgarber LOL <div style=”display: none”>. Snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
@davidj I’ve been using it for the past decade.
@davidj Firefox Beta.
@jensimmons I like seeing all of the headshot of the guests that have been on.
@jensimmons You have defined a:hover to change color but #navigation .menu a is more specific and overrides the a:hover
@jensimmons Nit-picky I know. Congrats n getting it out there. Love the podcasts.
@jensimmons Except for show titles, none of the links change state upon hover which makes it feel dead. It’s a weird feeling.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.