@GregLavallee The SHOULD section is funny.

@round TechCrunch.

@taupecat NICE! I look forward to it!

Of course on Pi day Raspberry Pi launches an updated version raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-p…

@williamsba I can’t wait to see your standup routine…

@randallb I get you. I like smaller gatherings more so than larger ones.

@robweychert @lastfm Not an email but Google Play music does this

@davatron5000 We have #botcountry channels.

@Rmmmsy That’s what I look like in the terrain park too.

@randallb In other words the ad wasn’t baked in to the video.

@randallb In post they mark up that spot as a place for an ad and then the video player serves up an ad that was previously downloaded for you

@randallb So say you’re watching a video and the host of the show goes… “We’ll be right back after the break…”

@randallb When I used to commute on a train I thought about personalized ads in video.

@randallb @brianalvey softaculous.com/ is like a cPanel for managing your server. It offers 443 one click apps: softaculous.com/apps

NO SNOW FOR DC EVER I AM SAD 🙁 twitter.com/islivingston/status/…

@randallb @brianalvey DreamHost offers all of these apps as one click installs.

@randallb @brianalvey You mean one click install? Tons of hosts have one click installs for apps today.

A very hangry caterpillar via shirt.woot.com/offers/a-very-han…