The domain name dcbjs.com is available. Surprised no one has sucked that one up.

@elgreg Can I have some of yours? I wanna know what it tastes like.

Pull quotes on the web are so freaking annoying. STOP. DOING. THIS. You torment your readers.

@charliepark The Surface 3. What else is there?

@joannabrenner Not surprised.

@nethermind I’m looking forward to my slow demise.

You so want to be my friend nymag.com/thecut/2014/08/everybo…

@kylecotter Yea that is a bummer.

@kylecotter I set up everything to go to one account and then use aliases to send mail from that account support.google.com/mail/answer/2…

@kylecotter What do you need multiple Google accounts for?

@jgarber Firefox 32.0 beta 4. Weird.

@jgarber Ta da! I’m also running Firefox Beta channel if that matters at all.

@jgarber How are you loading the fonts? I see woff files from Google Font in Firebug’s network tab…

@caseydriscoll Why don’t you just become a software engineer who writes. Then you can reject your feelings.

@bbaiiey Out of focus.

My wife hasn’t seen Star Wars and agreed to watch them if I watch Twilight. I’m taking one for the team, Internet.

@freshyill Oh AIM! How I miss thee.

@danielmall Use the coupon code KINGKOOL68 for 50% off ~$5/month.