@danielbachhuber Scoop and their per-field locking… open.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/1… #srccon
@danielbachhuber Scoop and their per-field locking… open.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/1… #srccon
@chriscoyier Mmmm automated RSS barf.
“We’ve got a bunch of content, we need to manage it somehow, lets build a system” – @clockwerks about why CMS is a terrible acronym #srccon
@joannabrenner I added GifBot. It’s not built in.
@jue_yang Mine. qqqqqqqq
“Buzzfeed the hell out of everything” is a phrase that comes up a lot at #srccon
@rdmurphy Sign language interpreters are interesting too.
“Your audience is precious, your ideas are not” #srccon
@daniellealberti I know I forgot mine too.
@daniellealberti And your beard.
From a discussion on CMSes to a group think on Web Fonts. This is what #srccon is all about.
@mijingo Done.
@greglinch I registered for ONA so i’ll be there this year. Will you?
@greglinch Whoa now. Lets not get too crazy…
@greglinch I’ll try to channel my inner karaoke spirit and spread it among the masses at #srccon in your honor…
@mr_suh News developer nerd gathering.
@yurivictor See you at #srccon I hope you like this tweet.
@yan0 @beepybop Ok she really meant to say Hi at SRCCON but i would have forgotten so I just tweeted instead.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.