@fugularity @astickofgum what this? instagram.com/p/qDXyurxzSj/
@fugularity @astickofgum what this? instagram.com/p/qDXyurxzSj/
@astickofgum Atleast you can see the important stuff.
@taupecat We weren’t home but apparently we lost power for a few hours and a neighbors branch got knocked down.
Ok Internet, we need a Scorpions-Rock You Like A Hurricane + Team America – America F**k Yeah! remix. Get on that.
@charliepark Works fine in Chrome 35
@charliepark @paul_irish In Dev tools, click the gear and check “Show user agent shadow DOM” Doesn’t seem to work in Chrome Canary for me.
@jgarber Hey they have one of those github.com/educastellano/qr-code
@seamusleahy @jgarber Um… github.com/passy/x-pokemon github.com/karan/x-meme github.com/mvaldetaro/twbs-butto…
@seamusleahy @jgarber I can’t wait for the Twitter Bootsrap web components to flood the mediocre web.
Fancy pizza pizzazz !
@jgarber <input type=”date”> is a web component.
@jgarber It’s like web widgets all over again.
@jgarber Absolutely. Web components are simply HTML/CSS/JavaScript. But it makes it easier to reuse components across the web.
@jgarber This @thewebahead episode is a good overview 5by5.tv/webahead/66
@jgarber In theory if someone builds a component you can use one line to include that component on your site and use it yourself.
@astickofgum @smellyice Poppin tags? Thrift store shopping?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.