@chuckborowicz @talbs Good work my friend.
@chuckborowicz @talbs Entertaining us on Twitter is your job! NOW GET TO WORK!
@astickofgum @smellyice Why are you asking Twitter? Ask your unborn child… it’s all about them!
@smashley017 You could with your mouth open…
PSA: WebTV email addresses still work apparently.
@smellyice @astickofgum After every 2 showings of Groundhog Day you should play one viewing of Dejavu imdb.com/title/tt0453467/
@astickofgum The Look Who’s Talking trilogy on repeat.
@kylecotter why would you do that to yourself!?!?
@chipcullen Nice tweet.
@chrisvanpatten Hooray! Code should not be discussed on Twitter. It’s hard.
@byandyphillips A true navigation icon has 3 lines but I suppose you could have 4 and no one would notice css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-n…
@chrisvanpatten Added action for ‘wp’, did $wp_query->set(‘paged’, $whatever);
$paged = get_query_var( ‘paged’ );
@chrisvanpatten You can hok into the global $wp_query at some point to tweak the conditions like is_archive() etc.
@chrisvanpatten I don’t know if I understand your question.. But I’ll give it a try anyways…
Wow this “smart” lock sure looks dumb and clunky. reviews.cnet.com/computer-system…
@williamsba @aaronjorbin define support?
I love T-Mobile soooo much! tmonews.com/2014/01/legeres-offi…
@snowpunk @astickofgum And both have terrible websites you come to expect from dentists.
@astickofgum Dr. Kitahara in Laurel even does Saturday appointments…