@anna_debenham Almost. Here’s the pilot of the US version. dailymotion.com/video/xmjpk4_the…
What are we going to do today? BUILD WEBSITES!
Home is where the wifi connects automatically
@farrelley Thank you for not posting a freaky 3D sonogram.
@SmellyICE But do you have any slammers? Particularly ridiculously oversized ones?
@SmellyICE Have some what?
@Stammy Sounds like it’s just a pre-paid card.
@TMobile Thanks for offering free internet access in the Denver airport so my mom could comment on my Movember photo facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1010…
My thoughts on the Nexus 5 after using it for more than a week: plus.google.com/+RussellHeimlich…
@yurivictor What a bunch of fluff… @npr
@Colinbits You could always DIY youtube.com/watch?v=z7vsLHbgIo4
@Colinbits You’re still going to have to run a USB cable from the charger to your outlet. I guess it’s worth it if in and out of car all day
@Colinbits That charger is USB powered so it should work in your car as well. Nothing to hold the phone in place though.
If anyone is considering a wireless charger for your Nexus 5, I ordered two of these and they work great newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?…
@AstickofGum Those days always seem to end in y for some reason…
@rieln You’re probably better off doing the math yourself and making two different images stacked.
@rieln You can use a | for a line break. Not very reliable.
@cdharrison I got my Gingerbread update via FedEx 🙂
@taupecat LastPass and forget about it.