@fugularity veggie burgers should be renamed “cow fart pies”
@fugularity have a veggie burger
I’m glad I didn’t throw it away. Hopefully that little boy makes good use of it and learns something new.
But the guy who came to pick it up was ecstatic. So happy to get it. He shook my hand several times and made his son shake my hand too.
I kept it all these years seeing if anyone was interested in it. Even though I knew it was technological garbage.
I dug up my laptop I went to college with circa 2003. It’s a 17-inch monster, so slow, super noisy fan, Windows XP etc.
Today someone posted to a local community forum they were looking for a free computer for their kid.
@round Say it to her face twitter.com/kingkool68/status/89…
@livlab When your HVAC goes out and you need to replace the whole shebang.
@jgarber Aw man. What’s going on?!?
@ev @round @bluechoochoo @Medium 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@tvanantwerp That would be worse. I don’t speak Chinese.
2017 and a domain name requires a fax number…
@brandonsavage The end if nigh!
@andycheatwood Pogs started on the west coast first.
@naudebynature poke
“Gutenberg is a reimagining of the WordPress text editor to expose some of the mystery meat functionality.” @aaronjorbin
Conde Nast whined to Facebook about content performance and Facebook juiced them up. Lame. #wcpub
Testing FB instant Articles: Wired saw +109% mobile visits, +14% revenue increase. Not the same of other conde nast brands #wcpub