@MikeNGarrett Hence ‘device-pixel-ratio’ can be used to determine retina displays in media queries… sort of.
@MikeNGarrett TL;DR; – Devices do some behind the scenes magic to map device pixels to screen pixels.
@MikeNGarrett You should read quirksmode.org/blog/archives/201…
@mr_suh I roll out new features to PewResearch.org all the time.
@DBMC Looks like GoDaddy is going to run MediaTemple as a separate brand.
GoDaddy buys Media Temple. WHOA! techcrunch.com/2013/10/15/godadd…
@taupecat Neat. Giving them a listen.
@yurivictor Oh I thought that was all about WordPress at ONA.
@aaronjorbin Richmond at ConvergeRVA
@aaronjorbin Yay you made it!
@pdot86 Sure give it a shot.
I love that @ConvergeRVA’s speaker lineup is almost entirely made up of people I’ve never heard speak before.
Two monologs does not make a dialogue.
@cdharrison I shall channel your ferocious typing into my fingers.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb Maybe if my friends are still furloughed.
@Jennison Sorry I couldn’t make it this year. Have fun.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb They were homemade.
@nekolaweb Hoepfully the crazy truckers don’t block me.
@nekolaweb Still at the office. But will be leaving soon. Should be there around 6:30 I’m thinking. I’ve got your chargers.