@davidj I dunno. I use nvAlt on the desktop synced with Dropbox and there is Drafts on my Android phone. Note taking. It works.
@davidj What is missing from the online writing experience?
@mr_suh WTF IS THIS SHIT? At least she is promoting a positive work ethic.
Summary of Sunday Tweets: Grrr/Yay Sportsball, my baby did a thing, OMG TV show.
PLEASE BUY MY WIFE’S SHOES! “@naudebynature: FOR SALE: Yellow Portsmouth Cordones TOMS Sneaker instagram.com/p/eTe_Svxzek/”
@danielbachhuber My REST API tells you why you fucked up. Does yours? features.journalism.org/campaign…
1 share for each Twitter follower you have right?
@support Um… Twitter says the first link in these Google results is malware and prevents me from posting it google.com/search?q=www.scalesol…
@brownpau Here’s another google.com/search?q=www.scalesol… (1st google link since Twitter thinks the real link is malware?)
@brownpau Not that big… scaleofuniverse.com/
Part of me wants to get a Huawei phone just because the US government says not to.
YES archive.org captures itself through the WayBackMachine. NO it doesn’t look any different.
@Smashley017 I has the noms right now too! This sucks.
@chipcullen AMPPS makes it easy.
@elgreg Shit where’d you go.
@elgreg I see you.
@danielbachhuber the step before “I’m pregnant.”
@trepmal @johnpbloch @markjaquith One radio covers all the bands for the US carriers. I doubt they have different models for carriers.