@jgarber “My name is Rails. No one will wear baggy jeans anymore as long you’re with me.”
@steph_hay Who thought this was a good idea? cl.ly/image/1z2A3Z1j1H07
@snowpunk To the time machine…
Geeks get a kick out of old computers like this NeXT cube. Check out how many RAM sticks it takes to get 64MB of RAM johnmirandaphoto.com/next.htm
@AstickofGum We’re not pretending.
It’s our Cinco de Mayo office party today. I decided this t-shirt was fitting for the occasion. threadless.com/product/3966/?fro…
@JoannaBrenner The first comment is awesome.
Data visualization with standard HTML/CSS is still relevant today as it ever was alistapart.com/article/accessibl…
@katielancos @epgoodwin @linesandwaves I am proud of my flaming chocolate sword accomplishment though.
@katielancos @epgoodwin @linesandwaves I gave up after the Castle. I can’t beat it. Meh.
@pauljadam In your JavaScript put debugger; on it’s own line and JavaScript will pause and open the console where you can poke around
@pauljadam I use Firefox for development so Firebug. Chrome tools are fine to.
Behind the scenes on the thought process of the new Twenty Thirteen default WordPress theme noscope.com/2013/four-little-num…
@epgoodwin @linesandwaves @katielancos EAT CANDIES!
@NguyetV I bet you would like a Memoto life logging camera. I ordered one kickstarter.com/projects/martink…
@AdeyLady123 I wish I could but I’ve got an 80th anniversary party to go to. For an organization not a person.
@AdeyLady123 You guys look way more organized and together than most organizations I know.
This is what a FEMINIST looks like
And props to @verge for their awesome special features.
Spending a year without the Internet. Spolier: It sucks. theverge.com/2013/5/1/4279674/im…