@MattBowen Google Charts.
@naudebynature Congrats babe!
@AstickofGum LOLZ You’re talking to yourself in public.
@AstickofGum You mean life?
Well here’s the laptop + touchscreen everyone has been wanting… techcrunch.com/2013/02/21/google…
@freshyill Judging from all of the available evidence and tweets I have come to the conclusion that… OH SHINEY OVER THERE!
@JoshuaFrankel @trudesign Nice! you should do it.
Hey LivingSocial workers… how’s today treating you? privco.com/livingsocial-receives…
@freshyill You have to go to Settings -> Users and add a new user to make profiles apparent.
@epalf That’s the most comfortable swag t-shirt I have ever owned. I also have a Mailchimp hat. farm9.staticflickr.com/8061/8182…
@freshyill Months. This article is from 12/20/2011 howtogeek.com/100999/how-to-use-…
@freshyill It’s in stable. It’s been there for a while.
@freshyill Different user profiles. I have another one for ChromeVox screenreader testing. Because I don’t know how to make ChromeVox shutup
@trepmal shibashake.com/wordpress-theme/s… is also pretty neat. He has a lot of articles on how it’s made as well.
@trepmal I would just make a custom post type and insert galleries.
@stephaniesalmon 1) Download your tweet archive from twitter, 2) upload to your shiny new domain.
@stephaniesalmon Well what was it?
And today I learned OfficeMax and Office Depot were not the same company until today. Also, Office Depot Max to the extreme dudesz!!1!
@e_to_the_m @davatron5000 @zomigi @chriscoyier Man how’d you guys get Michael Moore to show up to a web development conference?
@alansmurray So what’s our higher purpose? P.S. I wouldn’t turn down free food.