@nacin Oh yea, this one seems awesome as well alexking.org/blog/2012/05/22/soc…
@nacin AddThis.
@elgreg Congrats on your future WNBA prodigy.
@jasongraphix Source: pewinternet.org/Commentary/2012/… cc/@karenmcgrane
@riichdiinero No depending on your definition of “about”.
@randallb because AC power is much more efficient at long distance traveling over wires then DC power.
@mtbenson Keep fighting the good fight.
@chipcullen Me 2. There was an awesome site that made it so much easier to build date strings but I forget it.
@nekolaweb Welcome to a year ago.
@grum_dot_com She’s into it. Especially now that she has more books.
@grum_dot_com Paleo books for V-Day instagram.com/p/VvIHgGxzWU/
@davidj Dock on the bottom. Always visible.
@CattyRob3 ~sarcasam~
@jakemgold Eh never mind. Not anywhere near 50M page views per month.
@jakemgold Does multi-site count? I think we’re below 50M page views though.
@AstickofGum Pshhh that’s so 3 hours ago.
@grum_dot_com Well those bears could be related to those Charmin bears that keep wiping their asses in public.
@steph_hay You don’t know how many times I saw @stephenhay in my timeline and thought it was you.