@capitalweather π
@capitalweather π
@tloder @danmall @TechCrunch Ooooo that’s why I don’t see it
@round What about infinite loops?
@round Are you controlling your shoulder through feeling?
@round Maxim: “And then the doctor went like this and told me to cough”
Them: “that wasn’t a doctor”
@livlab Oh good now we can talk about it in person. Not sure if @brianboyer is a fan but @montchr is.
@MikeNGarrett If I were to do a membership site I would look at Memberful.com
Use the arrow keys to move. twitter.com/schteppe/status/9677…
@livlab Sounds like you can always transfer them to a Septa Key… septa.org/media/releases/2017/12…
@twigpress @circleci @joemcgill If you can run a bash script then you can do anything after a build completes on CircleCI.
@hbuchel Wow front end web development at Amazon sounds challenging. How is it?
@davatron5000 Wow you don’t look a day over 180…
Railway Logos reaganray.com/2018/02/20/railway…
@richard_tabor I forget where I read this but during the development of DOOM John Romero would listen to a CD and use that for timing features
@stilley_jo Zadie was smart enough to figure out she could just lean into it and push up with her shoulder to open it.
@stilley_jo Yea but Zadie can navigate stairs just fine and we still have a play yard set up to contain Vera.
Actually there is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet2 twitter.com/hassanrahim/status/9…
We took down two of our baby gates this weekend and OMG I LIVE IN A MANSION NOW!
@michaeldick I preserved several early websites of mine:
– mrhhs.russellheimlich.com/ (2003)
– v1.russellheimlich.com/ (2004 or 2005)
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.