@xxCGxx Thinking is hard.
@davidj I’m guessing you’ve seen the movie Idiocracy?
@AstickofGum Sick as in everything has a tint of green.
@AstickofGum Is that the “Make everything look sick” filter?
@coderbrown You look like an Ice Road Trucker.
@brownpau It’s NESTled deep in the settings.
@aenean_ You should remember to stop reading news articles.
@MikeNGarrett But the source code was always available. Weird.
@AskSunTrust I did that yesterday but I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope and I wanted to make sure my payment wasn’t late.
@AskSunTrust “Effective 10/1, your payment should be mailed to the address on the payment coupon…”
@AskSunTrust Received a notice at settlement that the servicing of the mortgage loan is being sold/assigned/transferred to SunTrust.
@AskSunTrust Closed on the house on 8/31 and my first payment was due yesterday. Please take my money?
@AskSunTrust Went to a branch and called support line. My loan information isn’t in your system. They said contact my settlement company?
@thereisnocat Well it was already sold to them from another, smaller bank. Maybe someone will step forward and accept my money.
@jgarber Whoa! That’s like a website but in physical form.
@DanPhilibin They got the numbers and made a fake card. The transaction indicated a card was present.
@DanPhilibin Fat chance. One day my Amex card was used to buy a gallon of gas in Greece. I’ve never been to Greece.
@epalf You must be so productive dailydot.com/society/cute-animal…
@rochellefp Naw, my b. I have been ignoring it. Took a mere two hours to fix. Shame on me.