@JohnPBloch Sucker. Blame Verizon.
@davidj Isn’t that how taxes work? I mean you don’t get charged for doing dumb shit.
@coderbrown mom’s. Possessive not plural.
@elgreg daughter eh? I’ve never heard of that framework. Is it like CoffeeScript?
@naudebynature Your last name **IS** German. And you’ll always be Guatemalan in my eyes.
@sarakgoo On your long and boring flight you should listen to this podcast 5by5.tv/webahead/27
@chipcullen Sure, count me in. Answering questions is fun.
@KyleCotter diagram.ly/ Online and free and you can export them easily.
@jessabean @aebsr Hey me too! Minus trying to get Brooklyn Beta tickets. Fuck NYC.
@andrewcohen Take a gander at a Drupal or Joomla backend.
Half the refrigerators in India are without power. #spoileralert
*PUKES RAINBOWS* “@petapixel: Canon’s drool-worthy gear room at the London Olympics: j.mp/OzPnN5”
@photomatt A bunch of @pewresearch sites run on WordPress people-press.org, pewhispanic.org, pewsocialtrends.org
@trepmal At least they didn’t include free samples inside.
@kingkool68 D’oh! Here is the link for that last tweet globalmoxie.com/blog/making-of-p…
@williamsba You mean Destinee? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destinee_H…
@desandro LAWL. I jest. But glad to know help is only a tweet away.
@desandro P.S. Good on you for having a history of your different designs available.
@desandro Cool site bro. You think you could help me out with a Masonry problem-o? 😉
@chipcullen 30-45 minutes after it was downloaded. Had to run the installer twice on my MacBook Pro for some reason. Other than that, fine!