@MattersofGrey Sorry that last tweet I sent to you was meant for someone else. I hear ya on the slowness. Trying to fix it.
@joshlangner So how would I know who to pay what?
@teddyrised It just needs more love and attention to keep it going than I can give at the moment. And yes, my power is on.
@joshlangner That would be pretty complicated.
@MattersofGrey That would be pretty complicated.
@rossk It’s WordPress not WordPress. #capitalPdangit
@chriscoyier .htm or .html ?
@robertsonadams I’ll be going to AEADC 2012 in August. Can’t wait!
@AdeyLady123 Oxy moron
@xxCGxx Congrats on getting the gold medal in the Bruce Lee look alike contest.
CSS3PS is a free Photoshop (CS3, 4, 5, 6) plugin that turns your shape layers and styles into CSS: css3ps.com/ /via @jnack
@feelinshort Server shenanigans. I have been using CloudFlare but lets turn that off and see what happens. Sorry.
@rochellefp Nice! I hope the retina display is worth it. I saw a few people return their retina display MacBooks in exchange for Airs.
@williamsba Yup.
@randallb Ticket submitted.
@elgreg I’m starting to look like Spencer Pratt radaronline.com/sites/radaronlin…
@teddyrised Yea… can’t wait.
@teddyrised Probably need to throw it all out.
@teddyrised I’m at work now. Was at a friends place over the weekend who managed to not lose power even though they’re a few blocks away.
@teddyrised Actually I’m using the power outage as an excuse to not shave.