@freshyill If you complain about it to them they’ll give you a credit.
@round This is a tweet from the past twitter.com/kingkool68/status/81…
@round like doomsday prepping meets tweets.
@round This doesn’t work on the web or the official Twitter client for Mac.
@round Proof that the best thing about Twitter is talking about the weird quirks of Twitter… while I should be asleep.
@round This is the ID of one of your tweets + 1 twitter.com/round/status/8346283…
@elgreg $3,500 last year. That’s when I decided it was worth it to get the Prime card for 5% back. amzn.to/2kOlDXd
@adeylady123 It’s a poc that poc can be the poc.
“…generate the corresponding output image from any input image you give it” twitter.com/randallb/status/8342…
Retweets not endorsements. twitter.com/aaronjorbin/status/8…
@oneplus 16
@taupecat No. It’s fun.
Facebook is slowly turning into a giant chat app…
Circa March 2004 I worked on a rap music video in Philadelphia.
Didn’t realize until I was presenting it but I had made a KKK sign. Whoops.
I’m glad college is behind me.
Also we had to make a triptych of letters designed in different styles and I picked K to give it as a gift to my girlfriend…
This is why I write code now…