Project: Take a letter and a form of communication and design it in the past, present, and future.
Old graphic design project from college circa January 20, 2004
Old graphic design project from college circa January 26 2004. I think this was just playing around…
The project was to design a poster for China. My teacher liked the dragon less one better.
Old graphic design project from college circa December 2003
@TomRosenstiel Hi.
@roguepotusstaff Normally you would check that the submitted survey contains the data you asked for. This just redirects right away.
@roguepotusstaff The form is submitted to… but it doesn’t seem to matter if you filled it out or not.
Make America Sprinkles Again…
@ammy914 So I’m guessing you haven’t seen the 1996 hit movie Twister then?
@round YeA bUt If ThEy CaPiTaLiZeD eVeRy OtHeR yOu WoUlD sTiLl CaLl ThEm PsycHoPaThS. sO lOsE lOsE.
** Takes flask out of jacket, unscrews cap, pours back a great big swig of nerds candy **
If you read just one bill proposed in Congress this year……
Digging this Facebook redesign…
Feels snappier.
It’s pretty dumb how this actually solves the problem most of the time.…
“I said, well, he usually doesn’t bite but you never know ’cause he is a squirrel.”…
Roses are red
Forever haunt you!
Race conditions will
Violets are blue
I prefer “douche pickle”…