@naudebynature because it will be the last one 🙁
Martin Luther King Day will be interesting this year…
@mr_suh Now that is thinking like an unregulated pro-business capitalist!
@jfc3 mmmmm
@brownpau HeLl HoUsE!!! Mary Christmas!
@daljo628 greatagain.gov/ looks to be Drupal.
@freshyill Oh man totally thought it was just me who did this.
@danielbachhuber Our you gearing up to do some big infrastructure work?
@taupecat LOL at Guam.
“Hey what theme should we use?”
“How about the Lavender Potpourri one.”
@naudebynature That’s the plan.
The best part about having kids is they don’t care about anything else going on in the world and they like to laugh at the silliest things.
So now what is Fox News going to talk about?
@ammy914 SURPRISE!
@ammy914 Oh man what a stressful night.
Well at least we had that Cubs winning the World Series, right?
Red, White, and Blue Goes Orange
Aw man, CNN just went to the panel format instead of talking about numbers and counties and stuff.