This is why people are more chill the farther west you go……
@renan shit sucks.
@clarissa @uxyeg What if they only had all female speakers? Would you still not go?
Hillary Clinton will need 324 electoral college votes to win the election due to the gender pay gap.
@jakelear @jgarber @verge Where can I send my excess Halloween candy in exchange for a week of ad-free Vox browsing?
@naudebynature Zadie is down to 1 nanana left.
Why is the The Verge purple? “[A/B testing ads] has yielded surprising results — purple images are most likely to get a click”
@jgarber To be fair, a lot of that is ads. I didn’t even scroll, just sat there and watched the data flow down.
@freshyill It’s like I’m really there. Scratching my head about what I’m doing with my life as a biker goes by…
The Verge redesigned. Still needs some performance work
Google Charts really screwed up my X-axis there. Not sure what happened as I cop each chart from year to year.
Trick or Treaters 2016: A slightly above average year. Weekends are definitely better for Trick or Treaters.……
Trick or treaters last year: 73
Trick or treaters this year: 51
@naudebynature She sat for 2.5 seconds
@JoannaBrenner Well looky whose name shows up twice in a row in my Google News widget…
Does this account for a scenarios like this?……
The AI system took a look at 20 million data points from social media platforms to come up with the prediction.