@mgaak1dev Screw it! Just use Google!
@crutchcorn I like this
The site is live! In the effort of *building in public*
Still a lot to do, but the robot told me to publish.
@ajaydsouza You did it!
Welp… welcome back T-Mobile.
@no_fear_inc Citi. But looking around at their website I can’t seem to find it anymore. See doctorofcredit.com/citi-adds-car….
@mishterkurth I use MXRoute and set up email forwarding routes.
@no_fear_inc My credit card company gives me a list of recurring charges. It will often continue approving those charges for recurring services for one or two more cycles until I get around to updating the payment info.
@TaraClaeys Search engines will be able to spot your bias (aka keyword stuffing) when their crawlers can actually comprehend what is in the image.
@conniechiiiwa Under desk walking treadmill
@hellosammunoz The ones you want people to know more about on the Internet
server side rendering is the future
@mattcampux Is this what happened? twitter.com/mbdailyshow/status/1…
Silicon Valley Bank is imploding before our eyes
here is how SVB threw 50 years of goodwill and $80 billion down the drain in just 30 hours
@karks88 That would really suck to miss a payment on your breathing subscription….
@DerekAshauer Sure! Hit me up. I don’t have any motivation to run with it even if I wanted to.
@richard_bell 💯 agree!
@jasonbahl @wp_acf @lgladdy @mattgrshaw Is it registering custom post types and taxonomies from within ACF?