it’s a joke please don’t hurt me

it’s a joke please don’t hurt me
Normalize admitting you were wrong.
Be still my beating heart… twitter.com/melchoyce/status/136…
@davatron5000 Not using them.
Why not?
My understanding is they require JavaScript to work and I’m perfectly fine generating components serverside (via PHP) and spitting out regular old markup.
@dbchhbr Chicken nuggets so you can enjoy them warm instead of room temperature after pleasing with the kids to just eat them even though they asked for them in the first place…
Clicking the pin also shows a subtle AD disclaimer
That’s um… subtle…
@boagworld Wow that’s crazy! Yours was one of the first podcasts I started regularly listening to. And you turned me on to Twitter in 2006.
@dbchhbr Except for not delicious food.
PHP is an amazing programming language.
@neojp @MikeNGarrett Click a button, toggle a class
Hi, I’m looking for front end WordPress roles, if ya know of anything 🙂
@CubicleApril I too don’t sticker up my laptop.
Today I wrote something in plain old vanilla JavaScript that I formally would have relied on jQuery for. It took way longer with much Googling but progress is progress.
I mean really–what’s easier to get approved? “I will build your website that does FOO for $25K” or “I charge $175 an hour for WordPress development; this should take 120 hours-ish?”
@mr_suh NAP ATTACK!
Stop, Drop, and Roll didn’t help prepare me for the types of fires I would face as an adult…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.