“Daddy, when Toyotathon is over do they close all the stores?”

Dear WordPress Community,
Can we just call it the Block Editor from here on out and banish the G word?
k, thanks

@linuz90 Nearly all my jobs in the last 10 years were because of some tweet I randomly saw.

Here’s an *actual* explanation of the Parler “hack.” They didn’t break into the site to mirror their data; it was Archive Team (heroes of the world wide web) using a poorly designed public API to enumerate and pull down everything on the website. t.co/OqHQa8cjUF

@jgarber It’s um… not there anymore.

@teddyrised Man WiFi 6 isn’t even that useful to warrant buying a separate dongle…


@mattcampux You can read all about their Warrior virtual machines at warrior.archiveteam.org/

@mattcampux They also archived Tumblr back in 2014 twitter.com/textfiles/status/107…

@mattcampux You mean Archive Team? They’re not really hackers but adamant about backing up websites that are pending to go offline.
They build virtual machines that anyone else can run that are setup to automatically download URLs kind of like a hive mind.

@mattcampux @mistersql This is the warrior thing they’re talking about…

CNN linked to the same article with different headlines on their homepage. And spoiled the linkbait…

@marcoceppi @pg13_rated_liz That was a Windows Media Player skin. Could be possible it was eventually ported to Winamp ms-dos5.tumblr.com/post/92268565…

@Homegrowngirl2 Big Wreck.

I still visit digg.com every now and then. twitter.com/kevinrose/status/134…

lol the Parler chuds don’t want to install a PWA (an web site that has an offline install to your home screen), because it stands for “Progressive” Web App twitter.com/ossia/status/1347713…

The new GM logo looks like an elephant

@mattcampux My Bed Bath and Beyond coupons are still arriving just fine though…