@Rmmmsy Setup a Go Fund me
@Rmmmsy Setup a Go Fund me
Come work with me! @industrydive’s engineering team has 3 new job openings (remote-friendly):
Senior Software Engineer
Full-Stack Engineer
QA Manager
He makes some of the best WordPress plugins for developers so I’m more than happy to support his work. twitter.com/johnbillion/status/1…
9.2 miles or 15 minute drive. twitter.com/LauraSavino747/statu…
I just received word that I’m being laid off which means I’m open to new opportunities. It also means I’ll get to collaborate with a new product design team which is always exciting. Mind helping me get the word out? linkedin.com/in/nickwhitmoyer/
@jonathanober We have a Power Wheels jeep they’ve been dying to take on the road.
@mr_suh Ooo nice!
I’m seriously considering buying a skateboard to just mess around with now that the girls can mostly ride their bikes by themselves.
@therourke Lets do politics!
This week I became officially unemployed. Happy that I left a toxic work environment, but the career change job search just became real. Dream job is #Rails, would love #VueJS or #reactjs as well. I am a passionate lifelong learner. DM’s open. RT’s welcome
#HireMe #KeepLearning
Okay web developer friends,
I just made this Google Doc of website content questions that you can copy to your own Google Drive and send to clients as you see fit.
Then, you can give it to your writer on staff or vendor of choice.
Launch with words.
Let’s try inverting the colors… (h/t @KnabeWolf)
I wonder if Twitter does this to fictional characters too.
Lenny Carl t.co/fmJMWkkYEf
@haysstanford Unless there is a syntax error
@cdharrison Sounds like you didn’t grow much.
A bit concerning that Democrats’ rhetorical strategy right now is to insist on a principle that Mitch McConnell invented in 2016 and has already made clear he has no intention of upholding in 2020
Do you use an additional light (like a ring light) for your web cam for video streaming? What do you use and why?
@thewpbuffs I make websites
@Zohaib_Am @JoshWComeau Ha! You’re welcome. I had to quickly Google it myself.
@tucker_dev People over code. Most of the code you write will be replaced in a few short years so it’s not the end of the world if it isn’t absolutely perfect. Don’t make people feel bad over coding decisions.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.