Here’s an example of the output

Here’s an example of the output
Visualize Cumulative Layout Shifts during the initial load of a webpage
@caseydriscoll What happens if you plug your Mint Mobile SIM card into your Netgear Nighthawk? Should work me thinks.
I couldn’t sleep last night so I stayed awake solving every single world problem. Then I accidentally fell asleep and now I’ve forgotten everything!
I hate when that happens.
@caseydriscoll Networks are trying to sunset their 3G networks. Google Fi (fi.google.com/about/plans/) or Mint Mobile might be your best bet (mintmobile.com/)
@lucaswisenthal Stevie Williams can make anything look cool
@wjhdev Maybe a randomize button would be cool
@wjhdev “I want this tweet to go out at exactly 2pm to coincide with our press release and ongoing media campaign”
Seems like a thing.
Twitter’s scheduled tweet UI is such a pain in the ass. Why doesn’t it default to the current time right now instead of 5 days in the future?
I wish I could just type a date in a text field and Twitter would parse it and figure out what date I meant. C’MON MAN!
@JoseeAntonioR Ugghhh caps are the worst. I think we do 1TB of bandwidth a day. Hard to tell as that could be local network traffic only.
@JoseeAntonioR It really depends on your household. We have lots of family members with lots of gadgets under our roof so gigabit is nice to ensure we all have more than enough bandwidth to go around. 500mb/s would probably suffice.
Large downloads are nice twitter.com/kingkool68/status/11…
@JoAnnStilley Yea 2020 sure is crazy.
(Would love some RT’s!)
@PBS is hiring a senior frontend engineer! Have a lot of react experience? Want to support an awesome mission? Head on over and apply:
@noaheverett 2 minute window to edit your tweet, in that time no retweets of that tweet are allowed.
@urbaez22 I bought that adult-sized pogo stick specifically for that photo shoot and haven’t touched it sense.
#3D0028 is a pretty rad deep maroon/plum color
@aaronjorbin Disable lazy loading in core:
add_filter(‘wp_lazy_loading_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ );
There are plugins for this! I don’t really know what a good use case for doing this would be.
@mattcampux I mean you don’t have to open it after 8pm.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.