@kaydacode Talk about mine all the time. They each have their own website which I use to experiment with different ideas.
@kaydacode Talk about mine all the time. They each have their own website which I use to experiment with different ideas.
@mbabker @cirapress @aaronjorbin @JJJ Stopped reading after the implied comments that end users of WordPress need to cater to the needs of WordPress developers.
@cirapress @aaronjorbin I like @JJJ’s response on the Trac ticket core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5…
Unpopular opinion: WordPress is making the right decision to not abandon PHP 5.6 just yet
i don’t know who needs to see this but
it’s beautiful 🥲
i have no idea when this came into existence
or i just live under a rock
This summer marked four years of working full-time on my own business, which is officially longer than I was a professional programmer working for other companies 🤯
💡 Here are some of the things I believe the most strongly about making a living as an independent maker…
@mattcampux Like del.icio.us ?
@francois_bach Come up with a plan for backing up photos you take of your newborn daughter. Write down what life is like right now because it’s gonna be totally unrecognizable in a few months. Look into life insurance and making sure your family is taken care of if you aren’t there.
This is the weirdest sales pitch pricing calculator I’ve ever seen fastly.com/pricing/savings-calcu…
@allisongrayce Can confirm. cadenheimlich.com/instagram/3-we…
@tapps As long as you’re above 760 you’ll get the best credit rates according to Experian. But trying to nail a perfect score is way more fun.
i’ve been furloughed recently, i’m looking for some side projects/freelance opportunities that require copy 👀 i’m open to creating new copy, or editing preexisting copy. maybe even a few articles 🤞🏼 pls rt it would help a TON
portfolio → janjirasun.com/
✍️ New Article: The Just in Case Mindset in CSS
I wrote about a thing I call “The Just in case”, which can help us think ahead and avoid some potential CSS issues. Hope you will find it useful!
Remember “Tangerine Speedo” by Caviar? Peak 2000
@imcatnoone I’m sorry for you loss. If its any consequence your tweet with your pictures made my wife and I research about the Vizsla dog breed.
@J_NO_LIFE It makes people laugh and show’s I’m an OG twitterer.
Jobs alert (yes, jobs plural)! Lookout Local is building a new digital news & community experience in Santa Cruz, CA! An experience that’s fresh, modern, credible, audience-first & community-connected. Most of all, relationships driven. (thread/1) @local_lookout #jobs #mediajobs
Psst, pass it on…
36 lifetimes worth of music and yet I have nothing I want to listen to…
@welshfruit I learned Javascript on accident from starting something with Microsoft Excel.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.