@thomasfuchs @ubnt Do you get alerts that Unifi detected a radar? Seems to happen to me every night.

@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB @newsycombinator Awesome! I’ll do whatever I can to amplify. I love the project.

@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB @newsycombinator Yay it made the front page. I hope ListenBrainz gets more attention.

What if, instead of creating AMP, Google used the site’s RSS feed to render a lite version of the page using some kind of RSS reading web app…

@trepmal Snap camera snapcamera.snapchat.com/

@JonathanYMusic John Tesh. Reminds me of the NBA theme music from NBC “Roundball Rock”

Rainbow Road and it would be in space. It would be a really hard final-level track. It would be special because there has never been a NASCAR race in space. twitter.com/jbaskinger41/status/…

@QuinnyPig Can this thread continue every day until the end of 2020. I think the world needs this.

A pet peeve: link text of “here”, “click here”, or “go here.”
Did you know screen readers bring up list of links on a page?
A list of:
1. here
2. click here
3. go here
isn’t helpful.
Craft meaningful link text that makes sense out of context.

@JoAnnStilley Atlantic Ocean in Ocean City.

@JoAnnStilley She’s already lost two teeth on the bottom. Her top front tooth is super loose and rubbing up against the other tooth. Makes it look like a super wide gap.

@MKBHD The Bixby powered Samsung Galaxy Home speaker, FINALLY!

This site is pretty twitter.com/goldstagaccount/stat…

I think about this tweet a lot. A crisis hits, and the emergency response website suffers from a bloated image that is 75% of the page weight. twitter.com/HenriHelvetica/statu…

@bpeebles Yea I get that. Isn’t it unfair to audit a higher tax bracket more just because they’re wealthy and return a higher ROI?
I mean auditing more for patterns that are more likely to be shady tax evasion tactics would make the most sense.

@bpeebles So high earners and corporations are audited at the same amount or less than lower income earners even though auditing higher earners yields more money. Is that the gist? Wouldn’t it be easier to raise taxes on higher tax brackets?