@AustinGray It’s certainly more fun that way!
@AustinGray Actually I’m doing pretty much this codepen.io/robinrendle/pen/NwzOb…
And they use a wrapper <div>
@AustinGray Huge table and I need the headers and first column to be sticky. And if there is no downside to making <table> display: block then one less element in the DOM. I should rig up a codepen…
@DanielleAlberti @twi_age Yea me too. I didn’t tweet that!
CSS question: Are there any negative side effects to setting a <table> to display: block?
🤯 Basecamp is building a fully-featured, in-browser email client…using a ridiculously small amount of JavaScript. A tiny keyboard shortcut lib, one polyfill, and boring old Stimulus/Turbolinks/Rails…
🙏 to @dhh for generously shipping source maps, amazing learning resource t.co/IEAvwjiKeO
@_swanson @barelyknown @dhh Wow so Hey’s JS distribution is smaller than the base React, React Router, and Redux libraries are. They’re shipping a full product with less weight than an empty React project carries.
Hey #WordPress friends! I am looking for someone who has a design eye and some front-end technical chops to spruce up a community-driven website. Ideally looking for someone who is struggling financial right now due to current circumstances.
RT’s appreciated, DM’s welcomed.
@JoAnnStilley We took a walk nearby so the girls could see some big rocks. Looks like this is in someone else’s backyard though.
@jgarber @jaredcunha Our family was hit with a strong bug in December and I would be curious to know if my body has built up antibodies.
Not my first experience with wireless charging for a phone but man I forgot how awesome it is to just set your phone down, have it charge, and then be able to pick it up and go without messing with a cable.
@blainekasten Sometimes its really cute zadieheimlich.com/instagram/pro-…
New post: The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks timkadlec.com/remembers/2020-04-…
Using @HTTPArchive data to get a sense of the performance cost (in both bytes & main thread time) of using various popular frameworks as a starting point
Been working on this one for an embarrassingly long time
@rossk I’ll ask the old trusty weather rock
@rossk I’ve just started looking out the window now.
@seclarke Oh man I can’t imagine how disappointing this must be. It’s still weird how our preschool is trying to go forth with distance learning even though the main reason we pay so much for childcare is so they are safe and taken care of during the day so I can get some work done.
@zachleat 3 year old: What does <graphic designer coworker> do?
Me: They color websites.
It is a well known fact that game UI is lightyears ahead of product UI. Nice to see all the interfaces and patterns summarized neatly in one place interfaceingame.com/
@mattcampux Not switching until we get performance metrics for ice weasel.
For the weekday crowd…. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/12…