@miked1ck Pill buttons and suddenly things took a dark turn 💊
@dimensionmedia I support this.
@plugish You mean @jakemgold doesn’t quiz you weekly on 10up.github.io/Engineering-Best-… ?
@BekahHW Boolean values
@seth_atl @OnePlus_USA Both.
I’m quite productive while listening to Reel Big Fish
@cdils @mattmedeiros I figure it will stand out
@chriscoyier Looking at the near perfect brush bristles I see you have not given it to a toddler
I admire Twitter’s commitment to responsive design
[object Object] twitter.com/kelseyhightower/stat…
@PhantomFreelanc I always try to sit on the edge of my seat. I tried a back-brace like one of these for a while amzn.to/2VxSa3k
The OnePlus 8 Pro in blue looks mighty nice. Looks the best in @MKBHD’s review video then anywhere else youtube.com/watch?v=LTDuGU38-70
@rbvea @sebastianlaube I gave a talk about my journey from template tags to Twig.
Video: wordpress.tv/2019/06/02/russell-…
Slides: kingkool68.com/wp-templating/#/
It’s hard to explain the major benefits until you’ve experienced the problems first hand.
@ericmikkelsen81 @twigpress In theory Sprig will be lighter as there is less PHP stuff being translated for Twig. They both use Twig and you can enable or disable Twig caching. I don’t enable Twig caching and haven’t noticed a significant difference rendering pages. I let the full page cache handle caching.
@magicroundabout Take a gander history.com/news/sears-catalog-h…
@magicroundabout Or Sears from 100 years ago
Yay a redesign with some character and distinction in a sea of bland flat designs twitter.com/meyerweb/status/1249…