@anthonydpaul I did this with Google Drive and sheets I think
@SidneyMiller2 Who do they even think they are?
RIP me keeping up with podcasts without any sort of commute
Weirdest Corona Virus email from a company yet…
@kevcody @shortxstack Yes! This. I loved these things.
šš¾ Iām looking for mid-level engineering opportunities in NYC, DC or remotely. Iām a Full Stack engineer and community organizer of @reactjsladies. Last year, I spoke at @reactjsgirls and @reactjs conf. RTs would be appreciated.
š aboutmonica.com/resume.pdf twitter.com/waterproofheart/stat…
Hello friends. I am still looking for my next role.
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You can try it out or any other small PHP script at phptester.net/
Wrote a PHP function to interpolate missing values for a given array. It was a fun problem to solve.
The magic of an empty laundry basket and roller coaster videos on YouTube.
@QuinnyPig @bequinning Expecting what? Your CloudFront distribution changes to deploy?
@brownorama Duo works really well. My wife and I use it all the time.
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier I changed one of my tools to work by manually copying and pasting the HTML source of an Instagram URL because it was good enough for the job that needed to be done.
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier See ultratools.com/tools/ipWhoisLook… which provides WHOIS information about an IP address. You can see the organization that owns it and the range of IP addresses they own. With that they can build a list. They also probably dynamically block IPs based on irregular behavior.
This video was so good and what turned me on to @outline youtube.com/watch?v=HA18oyyG-xg twitter.com/leahfinnegan/status/…
@danmall Rebel without a Crew is a good book. I read it back in my aspiring film maker days.
@chriscoyier The JSON payload for any Instagram page is inlined in the HTML source. Look for `window._sharedData`. It’s pretty easy to reconstruct once you scrape an Instagram URL. The hard part is scraping Instagram URLs. You need to do it from a residential IP address not a web host.
Love this!
90+ vanilla JavaScript recipes for common DOM tasks.
First time seeing a 500 error on GitHub before…
OH NO GitHub is donw!