@Rmmmsy @aniacopian @amazon Gives you enough time to get ready
@MrAhmadAwais A dev-focused WordPress forms backend so you can write whatever markup you want on the frontend and process/store it easily on the backend.
I’m calling it Form Dump for now.
I loved reading every word of @eevee’s Old CSS, new CSS post. A trip down memory lane. People have no idea how good they have it with CSS these days.
@LocalbyFlywheel Wait. You can’t change server configs (PHP version) on the fly in Lightning? Hmm… no thanks. I don’t mind the 30 second boot up times.
I do wish Local by Flywheel had more up to date PHP versions.
“Reading “AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS” in tickets makes me dry heave. How did such sterile, shitty language seep into my everyday work? Once upon a time my website was a GIANT FUCKING MOUTH.” – @brad_frost
Someone told me that Pitbull is Jeff Bezos’s alt and I can’t unsee it.
How do people find me? Meat toaster.
@anthonydpaul When I grow up and switch jobs I want to understand how to fill out a W4 form.
“It’s wild because in engineering terms this question, how does it fail?, should be the first one we ask, but oftentimes it is never even considered in front-end development.”
Periodic Reminder: When debugging, you must first accept that something you believe is true is not true. If everything you believed about this system were true, it would work. It doesn’t, so you’re wrong about something.
This is a surprisingly common stumbling block for devs.
Happy Monday! Check out makefrontendshitagain.party/ if you need a fixing on weird website art
@MrAhmadAwais @oppenheimer_HH OMG anxiety
@round Timeline thumbnails I guess? Video editors have done stuff like this since the beginning of time.
@AndrewJCohen It’s all about Venmo/Cash App these days.
If you had to build a physical manifestation of your webpack config twitter.com/SteveStreza/status/1…
3. I wrote 3 whole checks last year. Looks like people wrote me 9 physical checks last year that I deposited.
Fun times in personal finance trends.
Does the Geocities/Angel Fire web page builder count? twitter.com/GonzoHacker/status/1…
@anthonydpaul @SandyS1 Close.
@fugularity Oh boo. Well the point is I thought of you and all the work you carry for everyone in your office when I saw this number labor code thingy.
@fugularity Does 541510 mean anything to you?