“There is a WordPress filter to import a custom icon for a Block. Save SVG file as a JavaScript file and then it imports it as a JavaScript variable.”
What if you want to add an icon to a Gutneberg block?
You can add a custom SVG for a more branded custom experience.
You can use ACF repeater fields within a Gutenberg block.
An awesome part of WordCamps is during talk Q/As where often times the speaker learns something as well.
“Is the ACF block editor only going to be available to paid versions? Is it coming to the free version?” – @daljo628
(the room is not sure)
@wp_acf do you know?
ACF Blocks has the option to switch between editor mode and preview mode.
pcadv.org/ uses Gutenberg to offer a plethora of design options and variations for the client while also locking down the code
acf_register_block() function: advancedcustomfields.com/resourc…
Slides and resources mentioned in her talk can be found at asheberly.com/wordcamp-2019/
@wp_acf adds support for building blocks
“How many people use Advanced Custom Fields?” Almost entire room raises their hands.
There’s nothing against React, sometimes we just need to get stuff done.
Next up is “Developing Blocks without React” by Ashley Eberly
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Remember to do what you need to do to learn. You are more important than WordPress, which will always evolve and change.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg There are Gutenberg courses out there.
gutenberg.courses/development/ and javascriptforwp.com/product/gute…
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Gutenberg starter theme: github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-s…
Based off of Underscores which is based off of the twentytwelve theme apparently.
@TaraClaeys @WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Just read my screen as I type…
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg A good way to learn is to attend other talks even if they go way above your head. It’s ok to sit in a talk and not understand absolutely everything that is said.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Learn to modernize themes to take advantage of Gutenberg. Learn how data is stored. Learn how to style a basic block. And learn as much JavaScript as you need to. It might be a slow process.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Gutenberg was developed on GitHub using the WordPress REST API, JavaScript, and React.
Developers need to understand these parts.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Gutenberg is still new. It’s hard to scope out how long new work will take when building for Gutenberg. A challenge for agencies.