If I wanted to know about your 5 past jobs I would stalk you on LinkedIn
It’s like AllAdvantage from 1999 all over again.
I used to use a program to sit there and pretend to browse the Internet and rack up a sweet royalty check every month… twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1121…
So you want to be a frontend developer, eh? frontendmasters.com/books/front-…
via @FrontendMasters
brb changing my email signature to “That’s my email, hope you liked it!”
Actually Carrie Fisher is dead. I’m sure @cariefisher is a splendid living breathing individual. And probably gets this all the time…
But she’s dead.
@desandro Remember CoffeeScript?
@ASpittel @code The only thing I really miss from Atom was the find and replace UI (flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom…). Is there an extension that improves the find and replace within @code ?
@VenkmanSays I found this amzn.to/2Pllre6
if at first you don’t succeed, try `rm -rf node_modules && npm install`
@renan Happy early birthday birthday twin
Classic Lego was the best Lego twitter.com/LegoSpaceBot/status/…
@primerano @SouthwestAir SPRING BREAK FOREVER!
I spent a lot of time outside playing today. It was awesome. You should try it.
@mr_suh You found loot!
90’s mood
@smarty This theory holds up instagram.com/p/gjTM68De_S/
Fear of deploys is the ultimate technical debt. How much time do you waste
* waiting until it’s “safe” to deploy,
* batching up changes into big changes that are decidedly unsafe to deploy,
* waiting to get paged and fretting over deploys,
* cleaning up terrible catastrophuckes
@chrispian @williamsba @webdevstudios @maintainn Nice. Do you have a demo some where?
Nomophobia – Occurs in situations when an individual experiences anxiety due to the fear of not having access to a mobile phone