@shortxstack but if you put them in pancakes 🤔
@kovshenin I toyed with the idea of using an nginx proxy to pass image requests to WordPress’ photon image API for free dynamic image resizing. Didn’t quite get it working the way I wanted. imgproxy looks like a better path.
“That’s dumb. Why is it built that way?”
This animation that just launched on their MacOS app is just so darn delightful. I shared it with some design friends this morning. I’d love for @WordPress to do something similar with our icons. t.co/kTkllCekks
Hey all.
Currently looking for a new job.
If anyone is hiring, let me know.
Pls RT for exposure.
The appropriate sized table for eating with a toddler and not having to worry about food getting splattered on you. twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E/stat…
Me talking about my own stuff: You see design is all about the details. Notice all these subtle niceties I’ve included that really elevate the entire experience…
Me when other people are talking about their stuff: Yea but who cares? No one will notice that.
@mr_suh What if it gets you a positive date?
@kovshenin @dbchhbr @saildeploy Good stuff and thanks for sharing your work. If my sites ever get to that level I’ll have resources to turn to.
What would happen if you had a large number of requests hitting a file and did a `git reset –hard origin/<branch_name>`? Would there be an error?
Curious on your thoughts.
@kovshenin I was reading your blog and came across the term ‘atomic deploys’. If you use git to pull down code changes to a server would that be considered an atomic deploy?
Interesting Words:
– Vutty
– Viffs
– Yesks
– Zexes
I’m so used to the back button being broken in the web apps I use that when I encounter one where it IS NOT broken, it catches me by surprise, feels unexpected, and is therefore broken by not being broken.
@miked1ck General Merchandising
I don’t really break it down further even though it’s a hodge podge of stuff. Same with Costco.
@MKBHD Heimlich is the best
BRING BACK THE 2008 VERSION YOU COWARDS!!! twitter.com/elvin_not_11/status/…
Now this is a form of doomscrolling I can get behind: boingboing.net/2022/02/03/stop-d…
@magicroundabout At work we do…
Prod: example.com
Staging: example-staging.com
Local: example.local
Mainly it’s because we have an app at app.example.com and we need a way to test any subdomain issues with it (like cookies and auth and stuff like that)
2022-02-03 is the date my wife officially became a soccer mom!