@i_love_chicken_ That’s totally you.
Product-led growth.
It’s just a fucking free trial. Calm it down.
@KellenMace @GatsbyJS I’ve been thinking about a way of only enqueueing (as WordPress calls it) the CSS for a given block when it is rendered. This can already happen easily with JavaScript files.
The goal is to only server the CSS needed to render the current page.
Comp vs. actual frontend build out. Not bad.
it only took seven and a half years, but you can now set the tab width on github.com. pretty sure this means the last semi-defensible reason for using spaces is gone, and we can all finally recognise the inherent superiority of tabs t.co/z73EUkCfw2
Developers: Instead of joining a big company, waiting for weeks to deploy code into production which breaks the site, you should join a startup and break shit every day. 🧠
@AlexStandiford @michelleames Dang that was quick.
@desandro @heyitsgarrett I would buy this shirt
Ahhh! It’s here! @ChristianSelig’s new app Amplosion is out, and I got to create this super fun lightning bolt app icon for it. Check out the app on the App Store: apps.apple.com/ca/app/amplosion-… t.co/NDCNth2o9u
Explaining new navigation…
@teddyrised I would be more concerned if they’re using both Vue and React on the same page…
@rossk It Really Whips the Llama’s Ass!
** Getting into the car this morning **
4 year old: Can you turn the warm conditioner on?
Coding is more about communicating than computing.
New data: the best predictor of how quickly people learned to code wasn’t math or cognitive ability, but language aptitude.
Math skill was almost irrelevant. Coding is mastering a language, not numbers.
@AlexStandiford Your living situation is akin to my coding style
@dbanksDesign Chrome dev tools show these little icons next to some of the alignment properties
@dbchhbr flying-press.com/ from the author of wpspeedmatters.com/
I set this up then realized Gmail requires a VMC (Verified Mark Certificate) in order to display them. You need to pay $1500/year to DigiCert or Entrust to get one.