@williamsba I only show channels that have unread messages. Keeps clutter at a minimum.
@williamsba I only show channels that have unread messages. Keeps clutter at a minimum.
We are hiring! If you are a #WordPress developer looking for a new challenge / want to work with the brightest brains in WordPress then join us at @atomicsmash
@taupecat Why not just use GitHub?
Is there anything Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite can’t do? twitter.com/DrewCoffman/status/1…
@helenhousandi shoes without laces is highly suspicious
@brandymedia I went to a Bar Camp techie un-conference thing in DC in 2007. Then in 2019 we recognized each other at back to school night for our kids pre-school. Small world.
I made a dating sim where you can romance the monsters from Doom!
“Doomed Love” features:
– four demons to date
– five endings
– all original art/music
– absolutely no gore or violence!
Download (for free!) now: mediafire.com/file/5f88eamra3sk5…
Quizzing my 4 year old on letters in the car on the way to daycare is the closest I’ll ever get to being on the game show Cash Cab
@JessSchillinger 🦵leg up! (I have no idea but man is it random)
Timely as I am working on a marketing website homepage RIGHT NOW twitter.com/brad_frost/status/14…
@JessSchillinger Use the leg emoji as much as you can
@elyktrix Me neither. I don’t drink it.
Well since I’m trying to hit the job search from all angles today, might as well remind all you fine folks here on Twitter that after 6 months, I’m still looking for my first front-end developer role. 😵💫
RTs help a ton! ❤️
Portfolio here! 👉 charles.desider.io 👈
@miked1ck I never liked that series. What really clicked for me was The Automatic Millionaire amzn.to/3g22IU0
It’s really just showing the power of compound interest + time.
@williamsba That game was awesome but I’m sure I never actually followed or read the rules.
@taupecatstudios @taupecat * if your server has the ImageMagick extensions installed
As big proponents of web performance, we’re so happy to hear that the next major release of #WordPress will natively support WebP! make.wordpress.org/core/2021/06/…
@davidj @PuroSoundLabs The USB jack broke on mine so they couldn’t be charged. Had to buy another pair.
@miked1ck You’re not going to sell it to these people? codekitapp.com/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.