If you are a web developer, do yourself a favor and learn WordPress 🙌
If you are a web developer, do yourself a favor and learn WordPress 🙌
When you’re told that you don’t need to redesign the entire UI for a new feature, just add another button to the menu t.co/r2zKKXBfDI
When management asks you to track another quantitative metric on your dashboard
I work the same way. Building advanced custom fields in PHP is the way to go. twitter.com/wpmark/status/139710…
@wpmark MAaaaaaan when I was working in an agency I wish I saw more devs registering ACF via PHP. Made it so much easier to manage changes from local to staging to production.
@twigpress @YmirApp What’s the most cost effective way to run serverless PHP with gd support?
@williamsba Caved and got this owcdigital.com/products/thunderb… It works great to power my monitor + ethernet + other devices and only requires one cable to the M1
@ckrewson DC’s is $54,000 – $72,000 a year
My favorite thing to do with my wife after the kids go to bed is to listen to the Kidz Bop version of Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts”
Good morning! Eventually the universe will cool to absolute 0, entropy will stop, and time will be meaningless. Happy Monday!
Buy the dip #stonks $DOCN
When it comes to performance, WordPress ain’t the problem. twitter.com/natmiletic/status/13…
1995 – We can write code in the browser. It’s called JavaScript.
2009 – What if we could run JavaScript on a server?
2021 – What if we could run JavaScript on a server in our browser using JavaScript twitter.com/stackblitz/status/13…
Me choosing a z-index
@elgreg Those impossible to open Amazon bubble wrap envelopes are the life vests…
For context this is my $6/month 1GB of RAM, 1 vCPU VPS that has been running dummyimage.com for the past decade or so
That load average….
@dbchhbr @upfocusapp We use HubSpot at the day job. I always wanted to check out sendy.co/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.