@anthonydpaul @ebottcher Says the person from the small island of Alaska.
@anthonydpaul @ebottcher Says the person from the small island of Alaska.
@round Why not mix and match your own? lofi.cafe/
English. twitter.com/NetflixEng/status/13…
@orion_esu I’ve been doing frontend development since before it was called frontend web development.
Why is targeted advertising bad?
@jfc3 Ouch! My kiddos are at the dentist too!
Your inline script would fire and change the <HTML> class right away but what if your scripts failed to load due to some sort of network issue? An edge case like this is why I still keep a line in the scripts I’m using to swap out the no-js class. What are your thoughts on this?
@mmatuzo I loved reading your post about your current HTML boilerplate (matuzo.at/blog/html-boilerplate/)
Curious about the inline script to remove the no-js class…
@JadLimcaco Oh man that is rough. I’m sorry for your loss. Look into life insurance. So worth it for the extra peace of mind for your loved ones if something were to happen to you.
Taxes done!
4 year old: Does the Tooth fairy stay up all night?
Me: She sleeps during the day and works at night
6 year old: Like a vampire 🧛♂️
@bpeebles Yesterday I saw a modified Ford sedan somethingerother that looks like one of the Jurassic Park jeeps. It was something.
Been sitting on a new project.
By its very nature, it’ll never be finished so just gonna drop it better early than never.
@denicmarko Need an image for a mockup or prototype you are coding? Use dummyimage.com to generate any image on demand
@twigpress @YmirApp @pjrvs Psst… You should link to your Ymir blog. People might click on it.
@caseydriscoll gist.github.com/seven1m/605303
o ICal. How much fun it is.
Frequency of clocks by room
– Bathroom: 0
– Dining room: 0
– Foyer: 0
– Living room: 1
– Bedroom: 1
– Kitchen: 627 and most of them aren’t the right time
@randallb and here it is! coderpad.io/blog/rust-enums-matc…
The cool thing is you can fiddle around with Rust right within the embedded code editor.
@tomfinley @MikeNGarrett @neojp Not gonna lie, skin is usually a lot easier to clean up. Definitely always aim away from the couch.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.