@bear Let me know if you have any questions about WordPress
@RussellBishop yea I pushed the latest changes live. Documentation coming soon dummyimage.com/99/09f/f90&t…
WANT! RT @petapixel: Canon lens room at the Vancouver Olympics: j.mp/css1Ye
@cfleschhut I really dig your avatar!
@jfc3 Firebug will point out syntax errors in the Console tab
Once Upon A Mattress pi.pe/-9jz7xt
I wish I could use Dreamhost more at work
@thorpus Remember when all the buzz on Twitter was about Twitter? And all the buzz on blogs was about blogging?
New Blog Post: A Black Tie For Web Geeks bit.ly/9BV79L
Yea, women’s downhill skiing was crazy! RT @msinkiat Downhill ski crashes are crazy
@stephaniesalmon The pants look like jeans. I bet they actually are.
@stephaniesalmon 1260 Double McTwist
ate breakfast, mentioning dreamhost, yadda, tadda.
@chriscoyier I had a buy one get one half off coupon at qDoba so I ate two burritos in one sitting. Not recommended.
@boagworld You mean like this? bit.ly/aUmGa9
@BlankSky Or something like that. Jquery trests all strings like arrays #jquery
@Casper_Edora Cream get da money!
almost forgot my daily dreamhost mention.
@Jennison Very cool! I’ll read it tonight. Thanks for the link #ajax #os