@MattBowen or just install MeetroDC on your phone and check it before you leave.
@MattBowen or just install MeetroDC on your phone and check it before you leave.
I could really go for a brontosaurus burger about now.
@charliepark Sounds like a complex task without spitting out dumb sounding grammar: “Hey what are you using?” => what are you use?
PBJ for lunch. SOOOO GOOD!
Request to Tay Zonday: please do your version of Pants on the Ground–today! bit.ly/5DDmRk #pantsontheground
Eating cupcakes to celebrate birthdays at work while watching agony and suffering in Haiti on CNN. crap.
Crap, I just missed a train to Glenmont. Next one comes in 15 minutes. Atleast I’m off early.
RT @brownpau: RT @metro_man: i48.tinypic.com/30niuyo.jpg I have a dream…that one day, Chef Boyardee will be on sale!
Made it to the post office to pickup a package just in the nick of time.
@MattBowen tree style tabs? It’s hard to picture that.
The Leaning Bellini pi.pe/-q4rpa1
Put a good two hours towards working on the TEDxPotomac site. Coming along nicely.
I really wish I could come up with a use for the P2 WordPress theme ping.fm/NrCLm It’s kind of like Google Wave. What to do with it?
@yesterdaysjam You mean there is snow under there? I thought they were big piles of black and gray dirt.
@jessabean Do the fun things first! That’s how devs operate.
@msinkiat Thanks traffic reporter Matt. I hate Georgia ave.
@chriscoyier Please feel free to redesign my site bit.ly/8S6nco
Upgrading WordPress MU to 2.9.1 I can’t wait until the merge with MU and regular WordPress. This process is a bit hairy.
New Blog Post: High-end Crocodile Fashion bit.ly/71AGS4
Kristina and I are trying to catch the same train home and her phone is dead. This should be fun.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.