Woo hoo! Finally! RT @Grooveshark RT: twitpic.com/xom6o – coming soon(ish) to VIPs (via @SkylerSlade)
Woo hoo! Finally! RT @Grooveshark RT: twitpic.com/xom6o – coming soon(ish) to VIPs (via @SkylerSlade)
Common theme of Sunday night status updates: can’t sleep. I slept just fine.
Managed to spend the whole day working on the improved theme for russellandkristina.com but it is totally worth it.
Screw beer pong, Beer Battleship looks way cooler ping.fm/lpaB2
Wow Ravens.
Wow this Ravens vs. Patriots game is insane!
Chipotle for dinner and then grocery shopping. I wish the packers were winning.
Kristina said we were going somewhere tonight, but that was an hour and a half ago. No biggie, my phone is coool.
Nexus One owners, does the bottom of your phone look like this, 3 gold contacts not 4?
@frankjonen I use Nambu for that exact reason. Its OK, their last update introduced some odd features.
RIP Art Clokey, Creator of Gumby. I loved Gumby as a kid.
Groomsmen are confirmed. Now to work on the wedding website for the rest of the day. I need to clean up the WordPress theme.
@NexusOneBlog I do.
@msinkiat Happy birfday.
I am going to go as long as I can today without charging my phone. Let’s see how long this lasts.
Snow Covered Stairs pi.pe/-98zwqh #snow #stairs #winter #Glenmont
@superpixels You must not get a lot of snow.
New jQuery docs site released. Much cleaner and it’s running on top of WordPress! ping.fm/7X6xj
@vincentgallegos You’d probably be interested in following bit.ly/7QeUN6 for more feature releases to jQuery.
@farrelley You mean like this bit.ly/5iLQND or this bit.ly/6zlrKr
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.