Buying a new car isn’t as fun and exciting as its made out to be.
Buying a new car isn’t as fun and exciting as its made out to be.
@whafro Agree, phone is a last resort for me too. Would rather meet in person than deal with an issue over the phone.
New Blog Post: Lions, Tigers, and a Baby at the DC Zoo bit.ly/2Kgr0X
RT BREAKING OMG @DownloadSquad:Shocking news: Bittorrent banned in Antarctica, and boy, are the penguins pissed! twitzap.com/u/3nE
@mikekus How are those Sennheiser’s comfort wise? I got Sony MDR-V6 that I wear all day and they feel great. is.gd/2otoU
Blogger is 10 years old? I guess this internet thing is here to stay.
@xxCGxx Is it this place? lmdagency.com/
@xxCGxx Nope, just came across it in my travels on the interwebz. They have a nice looking site.
The urban dictionary definition for Drupal ping.fm/JfqrR I agree.
If you’re reading this STOMP your feet. I’m trying to create an earthquake.
@kristenlubbe I’d be more afraid of taking in stray animals than sharks.
Best about me/ bio blurb ever: “Christopher Finke is a software engineer. He is available for birthday parties and bar mitzvahs.”
@jason_reed The highlight of my weekend was setting up an SVN server. I know how you feel.
Just bought a signed edition of Drummer Hoff, my favorite kids book as a kid is.gd/2kvlo
“A modern paradox is that it’s simpler to create complex things because it’s so complex to simplify them.” – Pär Almqvist
Puck the cat makes his webcam appearence -> ping.fm/8bRfv
Installed #WordPress in root, front page is a static page but want /blog to be blog index page (10 recent posts) Any help?
@marcelmoreau Want to control the index page with wordpress. Better description bit.ly/133O1C
@marcelmoreau I figured out my weird WordPress issue by tweaking the Reading settings. Full explanation is.gd/2j6yP
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.