Good thing some pedophiles aren’t smart or we’d really be in trouble ping.fm/mMdmg
Good thing some pedophiles aren’t smart or we’d really be in trouble ping.fm/mMdmg
I think I’ll do my next logo design in MS-Paint just like the folks at Tagent Devices ping.fm/zaW53
@eighty5original Easy 7up yours and sprite is not.
New Blog Post: Downpour At Glenmont shortna.me/ac639
New Blog Post: Wedding Dress: Purchased! shortna.me/76395
Screw Woldfram Alpha ping.fm/qlQxy I’m using Harvey Omega from now on ping.fm/XcwcO
Whoa it’s raining. Didn’t see that coming today.
Dear stock market, please go back down to 8100 so I can top off my IRA contributions for the year, then go back up.
@eighty5original Sprite
@xxCGxx You can set up Twitter to text tweets of certain people. That way you’ll be up to snuff.
@brownpau Babelfish was owned by Alta Vista which was taken over by Yahoo! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltaVista
Internet connection not fat enough to support downloading of 3 videos at once. I’ll watch the rain to pass the time…
@primerano Oh man it was just raining buckets here in downtown DC. You must be in Kansas.
New Blog Post: Perhaps The Greatest T-Shirt Ever Made shortna.me/cdf2f
It’s like Christmas in the form of e-mail attachments.
@CasualRepartee But @tmobile_usa customers have more money in their pockets after paying their bill than you do.
@CasualRepartee Touch Pro2 and MyTouch3G are coming soon enough. I’m confident the iPhone will make it’s way onto T-Mobile USA eventually.
@snickers I just had a snickers bar and I’m still unsatisfied. Please refund my $0.90 that I paid for your underwhelming product.
@CasualRepartee MyTouch and the Hero are spec for spec identical. The sense UI will be ported over to work on the MyTouch soon enough.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.