New Blog Post: target=”_blank” vs. target=”_new”
designtreprenuer. That’s a new categorization.
Two news site re-designs today: Baltimore Sun: and
Pew is looking for an infographic designer
Installing the Adobe CS4 Web Premium. Wow, so this is what a legit copy looks like?
@wordtheorem Web developer toolbar lets you see all the links on a page. Information -> View Link Information
@yesterdaysjam Nope, no church. Just started my new job @pewresearch PEW! PEW! PEW!
@frankjonen re Old Pepsi commercial with Ray Charles:
@xxCGxx Glenmont area is pretty cheap and I’m right across the street from the metro station.
@housyd I need to cut my fingernails too.
My legacy continues at USNews & World Report My legacy will always continue at USNews & World Report
@yesterdaysjam Man you go to all the good eateries!
@frankjonen re Pepsi slogan: You got the right one baby! Uh Huh with Ray Charles in the commercial. Also Generation Next, but that was lame.
@krisdahl Running nambu 1.2.0 and I get weird errors like this any ideas?
Hanging out with Kristina’s family all day. Cleaned the apartment this morning. Well @naudebynature did most of the work.
@jfc3 might be why Tweetdeck is acting up.
Ugh… Nambu is messing up tweets. Lame. Waiting to get a vanity facebook url. Hope their servers don’t crash. /russell was taken! Stupid Russell Athletic!
Facebook is going to have an issue with vanity urls and women that get married/divorced. Wonder how they’ll handle that.
@combustingboy Set body font-size to 62.5% then 1.5em = 15px, 1em = 10px etc.