New Blog Post: Dice-O-Matic: Random Dice Rolling Machine
the Mootools JavaScript framework is an awful lot like the Prototype JavaScript framework.
Drawing the New Yorker cover on an iPhone? Blows my mind…
@natebaker_ehp Hi Nate. I’m in no need of a real estate agent.
Can’t believe how many of my followers watch Jon & Kate Plus 8. Looks like Jon got tired of being demasculinized by Kate.
@abbeyk1005 Jon did the right thing of buying a new sports car.
A 3 day weekend came and gone just like that.
Crap! @barcampbmore conflicts with @silverdocs Grrrr!
New Blog Post: Newspapers vs. the Internet (Cartoon)
Rad logo…
@wordtheorem @naudebynature and I will have our wedding on Memorial Day weekend. But not on the actual memorial day Monday.
@itsrayshelle RE Savings: Would focus on an emergency fund first, then pay off debt, then start saving for retirement.
Watching some Wii action on our new jumbotron TV.
Ben Franklinstein –
@itsrayshelle re: Saving
Set-up the new home entertainment center yesterday after @fugularity got a bigger TV for free. 5 years behind for the win!
Bought tickets for Kristina and I to see three movies at Silverdocs in June. Wanted to see two others but they’re sold out.
What should I do with myself today? Visiting the Strathmore later today to see what it looks like set-up for a wedding.
What ever happened to ?
Time to turn in to bed and get my 45 minutes of chest-thumping coughing outta the way before I can fall asleep.