@5tu Forget the 24-70L, check out the Tamron 28-75mm instead, better optics tr.im/knRn
@5tu Forget the 24-70L, check out the Tamron 28-75mm instead, better optics tr.im/knRn
All of the Filipino’s I follow on Twitter are going crazy. They’re really into Manny Pacquiao ping.fm/nkDnx
Notes from Session 3: 3 Getting your technology right…and what people are using to develop today tr.im/kj4a #bootstrapmd
List of local groups and events and resources tr.im/kjaj #bootstrapmd
@davetroy hi!
Notes from last session: Success stories and Lessons Learned tr.im/kjkg #bootstrapmd
And #bootstrapmd is done. Great event. Took a lot of notes and heard some interesting talks.
Time to head to bed so I can wake up early for @BootstrapMD
I’l be in College Park at Boot Strap MD all day.
Lots of Macs at #bootstrapMD
@combustingboy Happy 25th!
Notes from the 1st panel @bootstrapmd tr.im/ki5i Follow along at home #bootstrapmd
Best brand right now is “swine flu”, “susan boyle” #bootstrapmd
doihaveswineflu.org/ yes. PANIC!
Notes from session 2: How to market inexpensively with social media, events, and creative public relations tr.im/kijR #bootstrapmd
Great pizza for lunch at Bootstrap MD #booststrapmd
I don’t think a room full of business people are going to care about Agile Development processes #bootstrapmd
@jfc3 You should totally make @comcast give you a credit since you can’t use their expensive service.
@ChrisVanPatten congrats on your hackintosh.
@mitchell_texan These hacks seem much simpler. Why would you need to hack Safari and chrome anyway? tr.im/ka8s
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.