RT @bobthecow: This just feels so *right* – tr.im/jc5F #html5
RT @bobthecow: This just feels so *right* – tr.im/jc5F #html5
@creativegent I do small front end stuff on the side (HTML/CSS/JS) but I’ve got a full time gig @usnews
Going grocery shopping!
Fresh-cut toenails never felt so good.
XHTML or HTML? tinyurl.com/c3ssy5 Great article from nimbupani #html5 #markup
@creativegent Not really, XHTML has fallen short of it’s promises. It’s all anout HTML5 now.
@rinibikini Nope, my mom doesn’t tweet but she follows my updates. Mom: This is Aunt Lennelle.
@kingkool68 was here before @oprah herebeforeoprah.com #herebeforeoprah
@kingkool68 was here before a lot of people on Twitter.
Playing Sing Star Legends. Singing “Love will tear us apart” by Joy Division.
@zappos Don’t get rid of explore.zappos.com I really like it for browsing shoes.
@snowpunk Have you ever seen the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s in concert? The lead singer likes to deep throat the mic while wailing. A must-see.
Woot.com is starting to sell better items. An EEE PC yesterday and an Xbox 360 today? W00t!
tinyurl.com/d94f5v What? Itz how ai roll.
@madcatdisease Ha no! I was not the sweaty white guy dancing. I’m a wall flower out in public.
I have a problem with tricking users to update their browser for your convenience ie6update.com
Lazy saturday after staying up until 4am on Friday.
tinyurl.com/c3gwxe Shaq, Oprah on Twitter (via @brownpau)
If you want to auto tag the BPM of your MP3 library, I highly recommend MixMeister BPM Analyzer is.gd/sFU1
@farrelley Hey I was hunting wedding photographers last week. You’re probably covering a different area though. Good luck with the search.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.