Heading to the Refresh DC meet-up right across the street from my work.
Heading to the Refresh DC meet-up right across the street from my work.
Scanning receipts.
@Casper_Edora Can i get $500?
Bills in congress are passed the same way as kidney stones… slow and painful.
Today: 1 hour of coding, 1 hour of lunch, 5 hours of meetings.
@MattBowen I like to think I have an active social life at work.
Too much Twitter noise. Time to trim some people i’m following. Sorry in advance.
Grocery shopping… DONE!
Writing up a blog post for RussellandKristina.com about our snowboarding trip yesterday.
And here’s the blog post about our day of snowboarding tinyurl.com/agro78
RT: @farrelley Ritz Camera files for bankruptcy tinyurl.com/cm63kt
Twhirl loads way too many tweets when it first starts up.
Rtg @brownpau: 99 char SEO seminar: (1) Write compelling content. (2) Use descriptive headlines. (3) Link judiciously. (4) Get linked.
Meetings, meetings, meetings today!
Straightened out a few financal issues in Quicken. It’s glad to be all caught up.
Just watched Inside The Meltdown: pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/mel…
Awesome photography portfolio kropilak.com/ The trains series is my favorite.
My MacBook Pro screen is dirty. It needs a bath.
Lazy Sunday in bed.
It’s snowing big, chunky snow flakes. Too bad it’s not sticking.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.