The’s robots.txt file changed today as well
“Tis easier to suppress the first desire, than to satisfy all that follow it.”
This CNN inauguration photosynth thing is pretty slick –
And here comes the to-do list train in 3… 2… 1…
No point in keeping Twhirl open since I have no time to read all the incoming tweets.
If I had gone into work today I would have been caught up in this Hooray for working at home!
Obama is officially president now. It’s noon.
Video of intense Willis McGahee hit
@JasonCalacanis Please make as many jabs as you can at Nick Hogan.
Made a successful Virtual Machine image of my PC laptop. Now reformatting with a clean install of XP. Happy MLK day!
Now begins the long process of bringing a fresh XP install up to date.
Wonders how Metro held up today. Anyone have any reports?
re: Metro status from my mom “Mall was at a standstill. trains coming thru were full, couldn’t clear platforms,halting entering the station”
Damn, that was an intense hit. The Ravens guy is messed up.
Steelers vs. Cardinals for the superbowl.
Watching the playoffs at our football party.
@HaynieBros Hey Hugh, How’s it going?
Haircut done. I’m back at home conquering other tasks that keep piling up.
Lounging around though I should be doing Wii Fit or something productive.
Did 15 minutes of Wii Fit. Gained 2 poundssince 12/29